Hurricaine Season Begins

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With Bonnie threatening to develop into a tropical storm over the Memorial Day weekend, the Atlantic could have its second storm before the official start of hurricane season, which starts on June 1 and ends on November 30. Reporters covering Bonnie and the 2016 Atlantic hurricane season can contact the Insurance Information Institute (I.I.I.) for information, analysis and interviews.

Wind damage from tropical storms and hurricanes is covered under standard homeowners, renters and business insurance policies. Flood damage resulting from storm surge caused by hurricanes is excluded under standard policies, however. Separate flood coverage can be purchased from FEMA’s National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) and from a few private insurance companies.

Damage to cars from tropical storms and hurricanes is covered under the optional comprehensive portion of an auto insurance policy. Comprehensive coverage includes wind damage, flooding and falling objects such as tree limbs.

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